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Are you  tracking  your startup portfolio goals and its  improvements   

Software Platform that helps you to  manage the  entrepreneurial process    

Our coaching methodology  based on competences analysis of the startup   allows a constant  evaluation of the entrepreneurial process  integrating  management indicators, action plans, work logs and more than 30 kpis.                 

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"If you don’t measure it you cannot improve it "    

KPI's measurement

It helps to define KPI s to be measured in each startup, managing the evaluation  of the projected objectives vs those achieved ones, for each individual  startup and also in  an  agregate format  for the portfolio of startups  managed by the incubator .                    

Coaching Process Automation

It standarizes the monitoring and coaching  process using a methodology based on competences, where it allows different advisors/coaches to measure startups with the same tool.    

Reports in real-time

It generates your own reports in real time on the management and efficiency of the coaching and mentoring process, having in real time a full picture of the evolution of the  startups in each stage .                    

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Customizing everthing you need!
Our software for your business model

Areas to measure

You can define the areas of interest to be measured or You can use custom areas ready to use ,  selecting only those that apply to your model .        


Within each area you can define  the competencies to be measured. You can add as many as you need.     

Maturiry Levels

Once the competence is defined, you must establish 6 levels of maturity.                                         

Get to your Demo


Define important indicators for each startup (sales, funding, job creation, internationalization, among others) You will be able to analyze eah KPI filtered by startup and also at a summarize level of the Incubator, allowing to visualize a reporting dashboard with the results of the KPIs  in real-time.


Create your own dashboard to view the results of the Incubator's operations.
Generate reports according to your needs, in real time and with reliable information.

Business Diagnosis

Customization of the software

Use your own tools in a different way. Integrating them into a proven, efficient, measurable and scalable competencies-based coaching methodology.

Evaluation during the process

Evaluate startups under the same methodology at the beginning, middle and end of the program.
Allowing proper growth monitoring and analysis of the startup.

KPI's and Accion Plan

Create action plans according to the real needs of your startups. It also identifies indicators that allow quantifying the performance of the entrepreneurial process.    

Reports in Real time!

Create your own reports, selecting the indicators that you need to analyze or deliver. All in real time and without depending on third parties.        


Marcelo Lebendiker

Economist, Master in Business Administration, specialized in entrepreneurship. Recognized investor and Latin American leader in the field of entrepreneurship, incubation and alternative financing.                

Presidene Parque Tec


Mariana Solano

Gestora de Innovacion

Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the University of Barcelona and Innovation Manager. Experience in the process of entrepreneurial accompaniment, creation of business models, innovation and administration of agile projects.        

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